Has anyone else noticed that EVERYTHING appears to be objectionable these days? People object to Florida's new logo because it has a tie, claiming it is sexist. In the last few days, I have seen news articles on people objecting to expressions of faith because it isn't their faith, people objecting to kids blowing out their birthday candles (that's outlawed in Australia now - I'm not kidding) because it spreads germs, and kindergarteners playing imaginary war (apparently imaginary war materials are against school policy). Let's not forget the bunch that keeps objecting to law-abiding US citizens owning firearms.
Does anyone else think this is REALLY getting out of hand? I object to you imagining X. I object to you thinking Y. I object to you owning Z. I object to you breathing out. I object to you eating this or that item.
I can certainly understand everyone having personal likes and dislikes or preferences. In my mind, where it crosses the line is when the objectioner gets into my space or my mind. That includes my right and need to breathe, by the way.
What I own, think, or imagine is my business. The Bill of Rights has several guarantees in it which basically say that EVERYONE CAN do and own certain things. Somehow, and I don't kow exactly why, the Bill of Rights seems to be being re-interpreted to say NO ONE CAN do certain things. If free speech is OK only if it offends no one - well, if I say the word "naugahyde", someone somewhere will be offended for some reason. Therefore, I can say nothing.
From EVERYONE CAN DO to NO ONE CAN DO. Subtle wording change, huge impact. I object to that.