Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why Blog?

The first question that comes to mind is why blog.  The reason is actually simple.  In spite of the fact there is a website that explains what American Safety & Defense does, how we do it, and what the basic logistics are, people who look at our website contact us and say they want more detail.
A reasonable request.  During the interaction with most folks, however, it becomes clear that apart from wanting to knw about the background and experience of a specific instructor, they also want to get a feel for who we are, how we think, what our philosphy and, dare I say it, politics are like.  This blog is designed to offer insight into all those things.
Since the issues are complex, and simple answers don't really suffice, I hope a series of blog posts sheds light on the subject. 
To begin with, we are very ardent supporters of the 2nd Amendment.  We also believe in safety and competence as a way to ensure that accidents are minimized, if not eliminated.  As a result, we teach.  We do it because we believe in it. 
All of our instructors are seasoned (over 40).  All have more than two decades of shooting experience, combining recreation, competition, and hunting.  We all love our God, our freedoms, and we all love America. 
In all our classes taught to date, we have not been rated less than 4 out of 5 by any student (5 being the best possibel score).  The people who come to our classes learn and have fun.
Blog posts on this page will not be regular - we're more likely to say something when we have something to say.  So, check back with us - events unfold that are likely to stimulate our desire to comment.

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